As noted briefly on the main page of this website we have but a single objective in the series of articles presented here. Our intent is to explain, as coherently as possible in this limited space, what the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, teaches us about the origins of our universe, the creation of our solar system, the origins of life on our planet, and the course of human history from the time of man’s creation to the advent of Jesus.
We need to make it clear at the outset, for the sake of readers unfamiliar with the Christian tradition, that according to the first chapter of Genesis, the first book in the Hebrew Bible, the earliest plant and animal occupants of the earth were “created” by God over the span of six literal days, the event taking place approximately six thousand years ago, thus about four thousand years prior to the birth of Jesus. A very small percentage of the earth’s almost eight billion occupants are aware of that Christian time line, much less believe it, largely because they are adherents of other religious traditions with alternate theories of human origins. Even among those who have some limited knowledge of the content of the Bible, the majority of whom were raised in a Christian family environment, there exist very few believers in "creationism", much less in a creation that took place in the relatively recent past. The teaching of evolution in the public school system and the universities has taken its toll. The gullible, and heavily biased media, which tends to treat every bizarre scientific claim as gospel, has contributed to this state of unbelief, fostering the widespread view that living organisms inhabited this planet multiple millions of years ago, and that humans are the most recent link in an evolutionary chain that began in the remote past.
There are two reasons why the masses raised in a quasi-Christian environment accept the widespread theory of evolutionary human origins, initially proposed as scientific theory, now defended as dogma by the scientific community. On the one hand the vast majority who hold this opinion probably know little about science, still less about the Bible, and almost nothing about the course of human history in the first four millennia BC. On the other hand, as already stated, these same individuals are immersed in a world in which the academic, social, and media milieu in which they live and to which they are exposed daily, presents a greatly distorted view of earth’s past. Small wonder that the masses embrace an indefensible position and are offended by truth. They are thoroughly indoctrinated in aberrant science and deviant history.
By contrast, this website consists of a series of articles designed to argue the case that the biblical text, properly translated and correctly interpreted, is not in conflict with scientific data, providing the latter is itself critically evaluated. It is the misinterpretation of the biblical text, combined with the biased interpretation of the scientific evidence, that is at fault. The following articles will demonstrate the general agreement between the biblical text, the scientific evidence, and the known history of the world in the four thousand year interval which separates the creation of man from the advent of Jesus Christ. If the reader will only take the time to read the first few articles, we are confident that he/she will look more favorably on the theory of special creation that is espoused in this paper.
As noted briefly on the main page of this website we have but a single objective in the series of articles presented here. Our intent is to explain, as coherently as possible in this limited space, what the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, teaches us about the origins of our universe, the creation of our solar system, the origins of life on our planet, and the course of human history from the time of man’s creation to the advent of Jesus.
We need to make it clear at the outset, for the sake of readers unfamiliar with the Christian tradition, that according to the first chapter of Genesis, the first book in the Hebrew Bible, the earliest plant and animal occupants of the earth were “created” by God over the span of six literal days, the event taking place approximately six thousand years ago, thus about four thousand years prior to the birth of Jesus. A very small percentage of the earth’s almost eight billion occupants are aware of that Christian time line, much less believe it, largely because they are adherents of other religious traditions with alternate theories of human origins. Even among those who have some limited knowledge of the content of the Bible, the majority of whom were raised in a Christian family environment, there exist very few believers in "creationism", much less in a creation that took place in the relatively recent past. The teaching of evolution in the public school system and the universities has taken its toll. The gullible, and heavily biased media, which tends to treat every bizarre scientific claim as gospel, has contributed to this state of unbelief, fostering the widespread view that living organisms inhabited this planet multiple millions of years ago, and that humans are the most recent link in an evolutionary chain that began in the remote past.
There are two reasons why the masses raised in a quasi-Christian environment accept the widespread theory of evolutionary human origins, initially proposed as scientific theory, now defended as dogma by the scientific community. On the one hand the vast majority who hold this opinion probably know little about science, still less about the Bible, and almost nothing about the course of human history in the first four millennia BC. On the other hand, as already stated, these same individuals are immersed in a world in which the academic, social, and media milieu in which they live and to which they are exposed daily, presents a greatly distorted view of earth’s past. Small wonder that the masses embrace an indefensible position and are offended by truth. They are thoroughly indoctrinated in aberrant science and deviant history.
By contrast, this website consists of a series of articles designed to argue the case that the biblical text, properly translated and correctly interpreted, is not in conflict with scientific data, providing the latter is itself critically evaluated. It is the misinterpretation of the biblical text, combined with the biased interpretation of the scientific evidence, that is at fault. The following articles will demonstrate the general agreement between the biblical text, the scientific evidence, and the known history of the world in the four thousand year interval which separates the creation of man from the advent of Jesus Christ. If the reader will only take the time to read the first few articles, we are confident that he/she will look more favorably on the theory of special creation that is espoused in this paper.