This website exists for a single purpose - to argue for the accuracy of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, in its scientific and historical account of the creation of the universe, the formation of the inhabited earth, and the course of human history from the time of man's creation to the advent of Jesus. The casual visitor to this website is strongly advised to read the brief CV of THE AUTHOR. James Reilly has an extensive background in Mathematics & Physics & the languages of the Bible, particularly Greek & Hebrew, plus a decade of formal training in the text of the Hebrew Bible. He is also an historian, having spent 18 years revising the history of the Ancient Near East at a companion site displaceddynasties.com.
The first time visitor to the inerrantbible website is invited to peruse the first published papers in the INERRANCY PAPERS section. The first paper argues that there is absolutely no conflict between the text of Genesis chapter 1 and modern science, notwithstanding the misinformed opinion of the academic community and the media. The second and third papers confirm the fact that there exists no historical evidence for human existence prior to ca 4000 BC, and that what literary evidence does exist precisely confirms the biblical record. The fourth paper presents scientific proof, based on radiocarbon dating analysis, that no life, plant or animal, existed on this planet prior to ca 4000 BC. A fifth paper, published early in April 2017, discusses the origin of the dinosaurs, the existence of angels, the cause of the Noahic flood, and the source of evil in the ancient (and modern) world.
The first time visitor to the inerrantbible website is invited to peruse the first published papers in the INERRANCY PAPERS section. The first paper argues that there is absolutely no conflict between the text of Genesis chapter 1 and modern science, notwithstanding the misinformed opinion of the academic community and the media. The second and third papers confirm the fact that there exists no historical evidence for human existence prior to ca 4000 BC, and that what literary evidence does exist precisely confirms the biblical record. The fourth paper presents scientific proof, based on radiocarbon dating analysis, that no life, plant or animal, existed on this planet prior to ca 4000 BC. A fifth paper, published early in April 2017, discusses the origin of the dinosaurs, the existence of angels, the cause of the Noahic flood, and the source of evil in the ancient (and modern) world.